Simulated Altitude Chambers

The simulated altitude product designs exclusively licensed from Sporting Edge UK are battle tested and scientifically proven. They cover a very wide range of room sizes featuring three unique elements.

  • Sophisticated Touch Screen control systems capable of successfully integrating the control of simulated altitude, temperature and humidity.
  • A unique design of Air Separation Unit allied to unique architecture and design features with only a single active part that provides for ultra-reliable operation and a design life of >15 years with exceptional performance capabilities.
  • Proven training protocols that specifically target the required improvement – power, speed, sprint, endurance – allowing the desired training benefits to be achieved.
Altitude International specializes in making simulated altitude chambers

Example of a small end system supplied to the University of Coventry

Along with the proven benefits to athletic performance, there is mounting scientific evidence that altitude exposure has a measurable positive impact on weight loss. There is also recent anecdotal evidence that a host of medical conditions including those characterized by diminished red blood cell counts, may be improved with the use of simulated altitude. Altitude International is committed to maintaining its leadership role in all altitude related research and commercial applications and is establishing relationships with leading medical and physiology experts to lead these potentially life-changing research and development efforts.

“The Products are fantastic and easy to operate, I would 100% recommend!”

Laura Needham, PhD, Physiologist, GB Boxing English Institute of Sport

Extreme Environmental Chambers

Altitude International designs Extreme Environmental Chambers that provide the exact range of extreme temperatures, humidities, and oxygen levels that you desire. This capability allows our clients to simulate the conditions of a winter in Green Bay or Denver while training in Dallas or Arizona, or to simulate the tropical climate of Miami while training in Foxboro, MA. For many years our systems have led the world with increasingly sophisticated designs and applications, as can be seen and experienced in the world’s largest and most extreme chamber located at Nad Al Sheba in Dubai.

World's largets and most extreme altitude chamber located in Nad Al Sheba in Dubai.

Extreme Altitude / Environmental chamber training center located at Nad Al Sheba in Dubai.


The sophisticated control systems provide an intuitive Touch Screen interface with user friendly features and innovative designs that optimize power consumption.

Our Training protocols are unmatched in the world because they are backed by the latest scientific research and development. Athletes have the potential to gain remarkable benefits from sustained training in our altitude chambers.

Altitude International Altitude System Overview Control Panel
Extreme Altitude Chamber - Nad Al Sheba in Dubai

“The end result is extremely impressive, both in terms of performance and aesthetics and I would not use any other company for future installations”

Dr Chris Easton BSc, PhD, FHEA Reader in Exercise Physiology University of the West of Scotland


Training with Simulated Altitude Using Advanced Protocols

The key to achieving maximum benefits from altitude is to create the consistent environment required and utilizing training protocols specifically designed to achieve the desired results.


Training with simulated altitude using the appropriate protocols has produced remarkable and documented improvements


For many years our systems have led the world with increasingly sophisticated designs and applications


Training in altitude creates powerful training stresses that cannot be replicated any other way.


Equine performance studies have shown remarkable improvements being achieved on the racetrack


Our Simulated Altitude Chambers Produce Game-Changing Results

Listen to Miami sports-talk legend Jeff DeForrest reveal the powerful secret behind “the greatest in-season turnaround in the 100 year history of the NFL” in this uplifting edition of the DeForrest Files.

Audio from Jeff DeForrest Show

Audio Player



Our simulated altitude chambers and customized training protocols will deliver IMMEDIATE MEASURABLE RESULTS—GUARANTEED!!

Altitude International delivers the best results achievable based on our clients’ specific needs and budget. Cutting edge and patented technology managed by ladder logic/feedback driven controllers deliver performance that cannot be attained by any other system. Another key to our clients’ success is utilizing our position specific training protocols. Our team of acclaimed sports scientists represent the world’s most accomplished in the formulation of these unique training techniques. From the initial design of your system to our post-sales support, ALTD provides wide-ranging benefits that are simply unmatched.

The Economics of Altitude Training

Watch basketball great and ALTD president Greg Anthony discuss the economics of altitude training.

Overview of ALTD Products

For many years our systems have led the world with increasingly sophisticated designs and applications.

The Benefits of Training with Atltitude

Thomson Remo has shattered the World Record for the “Wattbike 1k Challenge” using simulated altitude training sessions.


Training in altitude creates powerful training stresses that cannot be replicated any other way.

Scientifically proven to increase:

  • RBC – Angiogenesis – Myogenesis
  • O2 efficiency – Cerebral and Muscular
  • VO2 max – Cardiac Output
  • Mitochondrial activity
  • Aerobic & Anaerobic performance





Reduce impact of injuries on team strength

Improved fitness with reduced training time




Physical exercise in reduced oxygen (hypoxic) environments creates two potent metabolic stressors, which when combined, induce physiological changes within the human body. Specifically, Intermittent Hypoxic Training provokes a phenomenon know as Hypoxia Inducible Factors (HIF) which can lead to increased fiber cross-section (more muscle), increased mitochondrial density (more power), higher oxidation capacity (resulting in better endurance) and increased capillary to fiber ratio (more blood flow). These adaptations allow for performance improvements which are unattainable with any other training method and propel elite athletes to best-ever achievements.

Training with simulated altitude using the appropriate protocols has produced remarkable and documented improvements in performance in very short periods of time. The key to achieving maximum benefits from altitude is to create the consistent environment required and utilizing training protocols specifically designed to achieve the desired results.

Along with the proven benefits to athletic performance, there is mounting scientific evidence that altitude exposure has a measurable positive impact on weight loss and equine performance. There is also mounting anecdotal evidence that a host of medical conditions including those characterized by diminished red blood cell counts, may be improved with the use of simulated altitude. Altitude International is committed to maintaining its leadership role in all altitude related research and commercial applications and is establishing relationships with leading medical and physiology experts to lead these potentially life-changing research and development efforts.

There is an enormous amount of medical studies and research covering the positive effects of altitude training. The content continues to grow as altitude training and the research associated with it become increasingly prevalent and eye-opening. The following section provides links to just some of these relevant studies.

5 Days of Sprint Training in Hypoxia on Performance and Muscle Energy Substances

Advancing Hypoxic Training in Team Sports

Altitude and Endurance Training – Rusko 2004

Altitude Induced Limitations to Performance in Altitude

Altitude Training and Haemoglobin Mass From Carbon Monoxide Rebreathing Method

Application of Altitude Hypoixc Training by Elite Athletes – Wilber 2007

BASES Statement

Br J Sports Med-2013-Billaut-i22-5

Br J Sports Med-2013-Bishop-i17-21

Br J Sports Med-2013-Buchheit-i59-69

Br J Sports Med-2013-Chapman-i40-4

BR J Sports Med 2013-Faiss-i45-50

Br J Sports Med-2013-Garvican-Lewis-i70-3

Br J Sports Med-2013-Galvin-i74-9

Br J Sports Med-2013-Girard-i121-3

Br J Sports Med-2013-Girard-i2-3

Br J Sports Med-2013-Girard-i4-5

Br J Sports Med-2013-Girard-i8-i16

Br J Sports Med-2013-Millet-i6-7

Brocherie_F MSSE15ip _Live high-train low and high_ hypoxic training improves team-sport performance

Buchheit et al (2013) Adding heat to the LHTL altitude model in Ausie football

Cardio Adaptations to Exercise and Training

Combining heat stress and moderate hypoxia Girard Raciniais 2014

Combining Hypoxic Methods For Peak Performance – Millet et al 2010

Comparison of The Hypoxia Inhalation Test with Hypobaric Exposure

Could Altitude Training Benefit Team Sports Players

Does Altitude Training Increase Exercise Performance in Elite Athletes

Effect of Interval Hypoxic Training on Psycho-Physiological Status of Healthy Subjects

EPO Production Can be Enhanced by Normobaric Oxygen Breathing 2004

Ergogenics of Hypoxia – Loffredo Glazer 2006

Evidence for altitude and hypoxic training protocols – early 2012 update

Exercise training in normobaric hypoxia for Indurance Runners Dufour- et al 2006

Exercise Training in Normobaric Hypoxia III Zoll et al 2006

Exercise training in normobaric hypoxia for Indurance Runners Dufour et al 2006 Part 2

Exercise Training in Normobaric Hypoxia II – Ponsot et al 2006

Exercising in Hypoxia as an Innovative Treatment

Faiss et al. (2013) Advancing hypoxic training in team sports

Football and Altitude – A FIFA Vision

Gatterer et al 2014. shuttle-run sprint training in hypoxia

Heat Acclimation Improves Cellular Tolerance and Exercise Performance in Acute Hypoxia – Ben Lee et al

High intensity kayak performance after adaptation to intermittent hypoxia Bonetti Et Al 2006

Human Monocyte Heat Shock Protein 72 Responses Ben Lee

Hypoxia and Asthmatic Athletes

Hypoxia increases Muscle Hypertrophy NIshimura

Hypoxia Resistance Localised and Systemic Methods Scott et all 2014

Hypoxic In House Study Watford FC

Hypoxic Training and Therapy Color Hypomed Review

IHT and Cyclists

IHT Clinical Summary Tables

IHT in Endurance Athletes

IHT Pre Olympic Games

Impact of Submaximal Exercise During Heat and Hypoxia on The Cardiovascular and Monocyte Responses – Ben Lee

Individual Response to Training and Competition at Altitude

Influence of Hypoxia Training on Metabolic Risk – Haufe et al 2008

Intermittent Hypoxic Training Improves YO-YO IR2

Lactate Acid Improvements in Hypoxia

Live High Train Low – Levine

Live High Train Low Increases Hbmass in Elite Water Polo Players

Live Low Train High

Mitochondrial Improvements in Endurance Runners – 2006

Muscle Tissue Adaptations to Hypoxia – Hoppeler

Natural and Simulated Altitude

Oxygen less is better more is better – Greg Whyte and Charles Pedlar

Pop IHT article

Relationship Between Changes in Haemoglobin Mass and Maximal Oxygen Uptake After Hypoxic Exposure

Repeat Sprint Training in Hypoxia – Galvin et Al 2013

Response of Skeletal Muscle Mitochondria to Hypoxia – Hoppeler et al

Roels Mitochodrial Function – JAP 2006

Running Mechanical Alterations During Repeated Treadmill Sprints in Hot Versus Hypoxic Environments

Sanitorium Orbita Kursk (4180 case studies) 1997

Saunders Running Economy – JAP 2004

September 2012 Research Update – Altitude and Intermittent Hypoxic Training

Significant Molecular and Systemic Adaptations After Repeat Sprint Training – Faiss et al 2013

Sprint interval training in hypoxia Stimulatess Glycolytic Enzyme Activity – Guype et al 2013

The Ergogenics of Hypoxia Training in Athletes – Glazer Loffredo

Year-to-year Variability in Haemoglobin Mass to Two Altitude Training Camps